With Summer coming to a close I decided to take another surf on the WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) wave and in short was not disappointed. Technically there are two flavors of WSL, WSL 1 and WSL 2. WSL 1 is a translation layer that takes Linux system calls and...
Windows 11 – A Dev’s Perspective
A macOS / Linux developer takes an adventure in Windows 11.
ZMQ Setup for Qt Dev on Windows
Currently, I am working on a project that is a Qt application targeting modern Linux desktop distributions and Windows. The application needs to communicate with some onboard hardware via ZMQ. Normally in a Windows only .Net environment, I'd use NetMQ and C# and be...
Bashing Bash
Coder Radio listeners who already caught Monday’s show will know that I have been playing around with Bash on Windows. To be specific I was using the Ubuntu “app” available on the Windows Store and made not modifications to it or my system. The experience of just...
Time to Go Mobile
If you read my 2014 Predictions, then you know that I don’t believe that we are going to see a lot of huge leaps in mobile hardware or OS technology in the next year. Software from third party developers however will be a different story. Indeed, it is my belief...
Book Review: Showstoppers
Showstopper by G. Pascal is a look from the front lines at the development of Windows NT. Anyone who knows the history of Microsoft or the even just the wider history of the personal computing market, knows that Windows NT was an important step for Microsoft. However,...
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