At The Mad Botter Inc., we love two things: open-source software and using technology to make the world a better place. This year, we’re putting those passions together in a way that gives back—and we’re inviting middle and high school students across the U.S. to join...
Open Source’s Funding Fiasco
I've been thinking a lot about how we as a community and industry can make sure open-source projects keep getting the love they deserve. It's no secret that the traditional funding model of donations and sponsorships is more than a little shaky. Coder Radio listeners...
MSHub == FOSS Love?
It looks like the Octocat is out of the bag. Microsoft is acquiring Github for what one can only imagine is a few Brinks trucks of cash. There’s been quite a lot of response in the Linux and free software community already on this. One of Github’s primary rivals...
FOSSGiving 2017
Long time readers of this blog and Coder Radio listeners may recall that for the last few Thanksgivings I’ve been writing up or covering on the show my list of open-source tools that I am thankful for that I feel will be significant in the year to come; if you’re...
MDNetworking: My Little Networking Lib
Disclaimer: This is in no way a 1.0 codebase and I strongly recommend against you using this in production. Summary: MDNetworking is a small Apache 2.0 licensed Cocoa / Cocoa Touch library. It is intended to be suitable for use on iOS7+ and Mac OS X 10.8+ but it may...
Happy Thanksgiving 2013 Open-Source!
Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you are all having a wonderful holiday weekend. Last year, I posted an article in which I listed and discussed the open-source projects that I found particularly meaningful over the year. Why do this? Well, the idea here is to basically say...
More from Mike:
Pallet Town: Ruby Modules, Mixins & Flying Pikachu?
If you’ve been...
Earth Day 25 Competition
At The Mad Botter...
Coder Radio
I am pleased to...
Chained to Complexity: Python Dependency Management