Google announced that the Kotlin programming language will now be a first class citizen alongside of Java for Android development. Since Apple had announced Swift as the replacement for Objective-C as the iOS app development programming language, there’s been a lot of...
Pallet Town: First Steps to Functional
I’ve been taking a deeper look at Functional Reactive Programming in the form of RxJavaand ReactJS. While I am still at the early stages of really looking at this and forcing myself to actually work in these technologies that I’m still no really sure make a lot of...
Programming Pitfalls: Cors & Spring Boot
It’s no secret that I have been dipping my toes back into the world of enterprise Java development over the last moth or so. Thankfully, I haven’t been forced to go full Java EE. In fact for enterprise development I’m getting off pretty easy in the form of Spring...
Pallet Town: OO with Pokemon and Java
Welcome to Pallet Town! Pallet town is going to be an ongoing bi-weekly look at various development technologies and techniques from the perspective of someone new to that technology. For those who might know or (God forbid) are too young to get the reference, Pallet...
Give Duke a Break
If you remember the man to the left of this sentence, then my hat’s off to you. Good old Duke here has seen some good times, some bad times, and frankly some overhyped times. My how times have changed. Some of the “journalists” who heralded Java as solution to all...
A Look at PFQuery
Querying data is a pretty common task for most if not all mobile apps. iOS and Android have made the work pretty easier for developers, but Parse has thrown their hat into the ring to make it even easier for developers who choose to use their development tools and...
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Earth Day 25 Competition
At The Mad Botter...
Coder Radio
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Chained to Complexity: Python Dependency Management
Sunday Funday Learn to Code for Kids 8-12
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