I'm sure we all remember the legendary Big Brother Super Bowl commercial in which Apple portrayed IBM as a Orwellian Big Brother figure to be smashed by its plucky Cupertino rival. Fast forward to 2024 and my how things have changed. The DOJ is reportedly looking into...
WWDC 2020 Wishlist
This year’s WWDC is a little weird for everyone involved. Hell, the entire year has just been weird. WWDC is still happening virtually on June 22nd and there promises to be an interesting one from a product release perspective - ARM Mac? New iMac body? Headphones? Oh...
WWDC Things You Might Have Missed
This is one of the best WWDCs that I have ever seen if not the absolute best to date. I don’t say that lightly. Coder Radio know what I have been fairly critical of WWDCs and past apple events in general over the past four or so years. This time they nailed. Sure the...
Mac Wishlist
Coder Radio listeners will know that I’ve had a lot of angst for the last few years over modern Apple’s treatment of the Mac as a platform. What some of them may not know is that I actually want to love the Mac again, but I find the product design decisions to be...
A Swift Softening
Listeners to last week’s Coder Radio know that during the live feed WWDC coverage, I was less than enthused with the announcement of Swift, Apple’s new programming language for iOS and OS X. My initial reaction was based on the somewhat unclear way they announced...
Going Mobile: Byword
This is the first entry into Going Mobile my series of reviews on mobile productivity software – I am defining productivity software as any software I use to get work done. For this first entry we have Byword for iPad, a great markdown editor for iPad (and...
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Pallet Town: Ruby Modules, Mixins & Flying Pikachu?
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Earth Day 25 Competition
At The Mad Botter...
Coder Radio
I am pleased to...
Chained to Complexity: Python Dependency Management