As you are probably aware Google has forked Webkit and will be calling their fork Blink. Google does not intend to re-merge with the main project at any point in the future and is signaling that they will be adding new features to their rendering engine. As a...
Whose Android is it Anyway?
Android is now the majority smartphone OS in terms of market share and a significant portion of that Android market is owned by Samsung. What’s interesting is that Samsung is not just shipping Google’s Stock Android but rather is skinning it with its own custom UI. I...
Chrome > Android
Andy Rubin is no longer working on the Android project at Google but, at least for now, is still part of the organization -- see his parting email here courtesy of the Wall Street Journal. The good news is that Sundar Pichai is going to be in charge of Android, but...
My Android Christmas Wish
Android developers will know that there are some serious issues of fragmentation on the platform. These issue have been well recorded and, at times, greatly exaggerated. The truth is that in the last year Google has taken great steps toward making the Android...
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