It looks like the Octocat is out of the bag. Microsoft is acquiring Github for what one can only imagine is a few Brinks trucks of cash. There’s been quite a lot of response in the Linux and free software community already on this. One of Github’s primary rivals...
Code Journal 1.4.0 Update
I am Happy to announce that Code Journal 1.4 has just been released on the Mac App Store. We took special care to respond to your feedback both in terms of performance and of course new features. I am particulary fond of the new less wordy way we are naming and...
MDNetworking: My Little Networking Lib
Disclaimer: This is in no way a 1.0 codebase and I strongly recommend against you using this in production. Summary: MDNetworking is a small Apache 2.0 licensed Cocoa / Cocoa Touch library. It is intended to be suitable for use on iOS7+ and Mac OS X 10.8+ but it may...
Code Journal 1.3.4 Update
Code Journal 1.3.4 is now available on the Mac App Store for free. This update includes a number of small bug fixes. There are a lot of big changes coming to Code Journal over the next few months and I think it is really going to take the app in a great direction....
My Open Source Initiative
I’ve been looking at some of the older code I’ve had sitting on my various hard drives and Dropbox accounts and realised something: a lot of this code is not that novel. There is nothing wrong with it, but a lot of just solves problems that I find myself having to...
Git Bootcamp
I’ve gotten a number of emails recently from developers that are new to Git and want to know how to easily get started with it. As I have stated before, I do think that it is very important that you have some sort of understanding of what a tool is before you begin...
More from Mike:
Pallet Town: Ruby Modules, Mixins & Flying Pikachu?
If you’ve been...
Earth Day 25 Competition
At The Mad Botter...
Coder Radio
I am pleased to...
Chained to Complexity: Python Dependency Management