Back in the dark old days of Commodore 64 and its brethren computers were pretty much all synchronous; instructions executed one after the other, one at a time. It was a simpler time. Users did expect a responsive UI during slow operations or so I have been told....
Objective-C Singletons
A singleton is a way for developers to keep one and only one object of a class in existence for the entire lifecycle of an application; the nitpicky among you will note that there are portions of an app that might not have any instances of a singleton object, since it...
On Finding a Java Intern / Freelancer
Initially, I planned on working through a fast API in each of the software stacks that I had written about in a previous article. Naturally, a Java based solution was near the top of my list going in. There were a number of reasons for that including my familiarity...
Picking a Backend Software Stack pt1
If you have every been lucky enough to be able to pick the technology stack that you work on you know how exciting the process can be. However, it can also be a daunting task. Sure if you are developing an Android app or an iOS app you are pretty limited on what...
Frauds and Other Impostors
Impostors. Frauds. We’ve all hear of them and we all go out of our way during the hiring process to avoid them, but do they really exist? Sure, there are those that might not do as good a job as others, but is there really anyone applying for programming jobs that...
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