No, The Market is not Fine
There has been a lot of discussion recently in the iOS community regarding the so called "health" of the paid application market. My feelings on whether it is better to pay for the software you use to ensure that you are the developer's main customer are well...
“There are Always Men like You”
At the time of this draft I am lying in bed watching The Avengers and I've just gotten through the scene where Loki makes the German civilians kneel and one elderly man stands up and refuses – he states that there are "always men like you" to Loki. What's my point...
My Win8 Dev Tools
Coder Radio listeners will know that I recently purchased a Dell XPS 8500 from my local Microsoft Store. Unlike a lot of Cocoa developer, I am not just buying a PC as a glorified Xbox; in fact, I have an Xbox and am very happy with it. This PC is, like my MacBook Air,...
Wither Webkit?
As you are probably aware Google has forked Webkit and will be calling their fork Blink. Google does not intend to re-merge with the main project at any point in the future and is signaling that they will be adding new features to their rendering engine. As a...
Thank You!
Code Journal has done extremely well on the Mac App Store recently. It reached as high as number 31 for free apps overall and number 2 in its category. Needless to say I was shocked by the sheer number of users downloading the app. For the most part users are happy...
Open-Source: Parenthood or Charity?
Recently, there has been some debate regarding what sort of responsibility we have as developers when we open-source our software. There has been some suggestion that when you open-source something you are obligated to maintain and care for it, as a parent would a...