iOS Needs to Go Pro
Apple did it! They launched another amazing, category defining product! Of course, I am referring to the iPad Pro. Coder Radio listeners will know that I have a fabulous gold model that I'm enthralled with. I truly believe that the Pro has the potential to become the...
The King’s Mores
The recent tragedy in South Carolina has brought questions of the Confederate flag being used on government buildings and other placaes that it might be offensive. Personally, I agree with the critics that it was wildly inappropriate for the US flag to be flown at...
Postmortem Part 1: The Curtin Rises
If you’re anything like me, you started your business knowing that one day you might lose it but at a certain point you figured that you lasted long enough that you were pretty safe. Of course, you’ve gotten a few dings and dents along the way but you figure that...
Ahoy Mateys!
I am happy to announce the official public launch of my new company Buccaneer Tech, INC. Buccaneer is something new from what I’ve done before, as it has more of a focus on bringing the best of open-source technologies to the enterprise market via innovative mobile...
LOB in 2015
Line of business software development is one of the least discussed and least sexy areas of software development. Ironically, it is by almost any metric the largest. There are more HR applications that are succussfully running inside their organizations than there are...
Xamarin.Forms Review
A few months back in August I did a brief review of Xamarin in which I was pretty happy with the tool-kit and how it was helping the team at Fingertip Tech, INCefficiently handle developing mobile apps for both iOS and Android. Now that we are about six...