Xamarin + Microsoft
Today it was announced that Microsoft is acquiring Xamarin. I’m well on the record as having some mixed feelings about the Xamarin platform. Details are still pretty few and far between about the structure of the deal (other than the obvious fact that it’s a straight...
Linux Adventure pt 1: First Look
Coder Radio listeners will know that I started using an Ubuntu workstation a few weeks ago for over about half of my general development work. While it’s true that I can’t do any native iOS or MacOS development on my workstation the majority of my current work tends...
TarDisk Review
My dev machine is a “Late 2013” 13 inch Macbook Pro. The machine has more or less been serving me well, despite the occasional kernel panic — these crashes tend to happen when I need to have Android Studio and an Xcode project with a substantial storyboard open at the...
AppCode Review
As is well documented on Twitter, I’ve had my share of frustrating system locking beachball of death experiences with Xcode, so it should come as no surprise that I’ve been keeping a keen eye on JetBrains’ AppCode IDE for iOS and MacOS development. Being a user of two...
A Farewell to Apps?
Ars Technica recently posted an article by Larry Seltzer that discusses the possibility of native mobile apps being marginalized by web-based solutions thanks to the increasing advancement of web standards on mobile. Normally, I’d ignore something like this — in most...
2015 Year in Review: Apple
Now that we are just dabbing our toes into 2016, it’s given me some time and cause to look back at the year that was. A lot of things were happening in 2015 but they broadly break down into who was involved: Apple, Google, Microsoft, VC Startups. Today, we start with...