Galago Pro Review
Coder Radio’s Mike reviews his Galago Pro from System 76
Bashing Bash
Coder Radio listeners who already caught Monday’s show will know that I have been playing around with Bash on Windows. To be specific I was using the Ubuntu “app” available on the Windows Store and made not modifications to it or my system. The experience of just...
Pop!_OS First!_LOOK
After about three weeks traveling technologically marooned on macOS island, I made a decision to try a new operating system – Pop!_OS. Yes, I’ve been using Ubuntu Gnome for the majority of my home office computing but due to some odd proprietary VPN requirements that...
Pallet Town: Giving Into Javascript Classes
Sometimes you just have to make a compromise for expedience and for me that’s using Javascript classes.
Google Kotlin!
Google announced that the Kotlin programming language will now be a first class citizen alongside of Java for Android development. Since Apple had announced Swift as the replacement for Objective-C as the iOS app development programming language, there’s been a lot of...
Hybrid Today, Progressive Web App Tomorrow
App (and I am using that term very loosely here) development has undergone a change. Most companies are eschewing high cost native development and for iOS and Android and going with hybrid solutions using tools like Xamarin or Ionic. This is a great way for...