If you have been following me on Google+, you may know that my beloved Macbook Pro had a little accident; I was working late and was extremely tired and I dropped my full mug of coffee directly onto my Macbook. That’s right the entire mug of steaming hot coffee went directly into my almost two thousand dollar laptop. Desperately, I began to dry off the machine and attempted to use compressed air to force out the moisture. I did this for some time but finally had to go to sleep. All I could do was wait. In the morning it became clear that my machine was a doorstop, so I drove to the nearest Apple Store and made a purchase.
The laptop being replaced is a Macbook Pro 13” i7 with 8GB of RAM. By any measure it is a powerhouse for a laptop; full disclosure it has had some trouble with kernel panicking that I believe were due to overheating.
As usual the Apple Store was jam packed, so I had to wait to speak to an employee, but that was fine, since I had not yet decided what to buy. I knew I wanted an Air; my experience with my XPS 13 has sold me on the virtues of SSD’s and frankly traditional spinning drives feel a bit antiquated to me know.
I also looked at the retina model for a few minutes. I can’t deny that it looks very pretty, but the web is not retina yet and the cost is a bit more than I want to spend; I have been going through a Mac laptop about one every eighteen months, so spending over two thousand dollars on a machine seemed foolish to me. Another point regarding resolution is that the Macbook Airs are all higher resolution than the machine that I was replacing and they look stunning.
If you can’t figure it out already, I bought an Air. I had thought that I needed to have the same amount of RAM as my pro, but, having done some research and having worked on my XPS a bit, I came to the understanding that an SSD really makes the most difference for the type of work I do on my Macs: iOS and Mac development.
For the stat minded, I got the 13” Air with 4GB of RAM and the 128GB SSD hard drive. Or in other words the base 13” model. How’s it going? So far so good.