With Summer coming to a close I decided to take another surf on the WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) wave and in short was not disappointed. Technically there are two flavors of WSL, WSL 1 and WSL 2. WSL 1 is a translation layer that takes Linux system calls and...
Windows 11 – A Dev’s Perspective
A macOS / Linux developer takes an adventure in Windows 11.
ZMQ Setup for Qt Dev on Windows
Currently, I am working on a project that is a Qt application targeting modern Linux desktop distributions and Windows. The application needs to communicate with some onboard hardware via ZMQ. Normally in a Windows only .Net environment, I'd use NetMQ and C# and be...
Bashing Bash
Coder Radio listeners who already caught Monday’s show will know that I have been playing around with Bash on Windows. To be specific I was using the Ubuntu “app” available on the Windows Store and made not modifications to it or my system. The experience of just...
2014 Predictions
I hope that you have all had an awesome New Year's Eve! I've decided that I'll start off 2014 by making a fool of myself by trying to make some predictions for the tech industry for the new year. This is not a what you will see list, but nor is it a what you won't see...
Programming Pitfalls: Windows 8 & VS 13
It will come as no surprise to anyone who has been following this site for a while that I've been doing a bit of Windows 8 development. Like many developers moving over from another platform, I have some concerns about XAML and the development philosophy that it seems...
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Earth Day 25 Competition
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Coder Radio
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Chained to Complexity: Python Dependency Management