This is one of the best WWDCs that I have ever seen if not the absolute best to date. I don’t say that lightly. Coder Radio know what I have been fairly critical of WWDCs and past apple events in general over the past four or so years. This time they nailed. Sure the...
Bashing Bash
Coder Radio listeners who already caught Monday’s show will know that I have been playing around with Bash on Windows. To be specific I was using the Ubuntu “app” available on the Windows Store and made not modifications to it or my system. The experience of just...
Ahoy Mateys!
I am happy to announce the official public launch of my new company Buccaneer Tech, INC. Buccaneer is something new from what I’ve done before, as it has more of a focus on bringing the best of open-source technologies to the enterprise market via innovative mobile...
Testing TDD: First Look
TDD (Test Driven Development) seems to be gearing up to the new “best practice” for 2014 and you know there is nothing I like more than being told that there is a new (though TDD’s newness is debatable) shininess that will solve all of my problems...
Code Journal 1.3.0 Released!
I’m happy to announce that version 1.3.0 of Code Journal is now available for both direct customers and Mac App Store users. This version brings a lot of UI refinements and I have taken your feedback very seriously and streamlined the user flows and functionality...
NSPredicate 100
Objective-C and Cocoa (or more accurately Cocoa Touch) are seeing surge in developer interest due in most part to the revenue potential of the iOS App Store. A lot has been made of Objective-C’s quarks and it’s true; like all other programming languages Objective-C...
More from Mike:
Earth Day 25 Competition
At The Mad Botter...
Coder Radio
I am pleased to...
Chained to Complexity: Python Dependency Management
Sunday Funday Learn to Code for Kids 8-12
One of the...