Readers of this blog and Coder Radio listeners will now that I have fallen for the snake and by that I of course mean Python! Typing that out cracks my little Ruby heart but for reasons that I’ve explained at length on the show The Mad Botter has moved to Python as...
Windows 11 – A Dev’s Perspective
A macOS / Linux developer takes an adventure in Windows 11.
Why TMB Chose C++ in ’21
I don't normally enjoy writing controversial posts about why new technologies are bad; I LOVE it! So here we go! We're starting a new large-scale first-party project over at The Mad Botter (sorry no details today) that requires a significant level of low-level...
Ruby 3 Typing
Soutaro Matsumoto and the Ruby team over at Square have a proposal for typing in Ruby 3. My initial reaction was a befuddled sort of confusion as though I were a dog who woke up with a human's hands. It took several readings for me to understand why Ruby developers...
JSON & JSONB in Active Record & PostgreSQL
A quick look at Active Record JSON & JSONB.
Python & Ruby, a Comparison
I've been a long-time Ruby developer and more recently have been doing a metric ton of Python work. My goal with this post is to compare the relative pros and cons of each language as I've seen them. This was a difficult post to write, because of the deeply subjective...
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Open Source’s Funding Fiasco
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Minitest: Small But Mighty
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How to Create a Private Ruby Gem
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