Pallet Town: Ruby Modules, Mixins & Flying Pikachu?

Pallet Town: Ruby Modules, Mixins & Flying Pikachu?

If you’ve been working with Ruby for more than five minutes, you’ve probably heard about modules. They’re a great way to share behavior across multiple classes without getting tangled in inheritance chains that resemble an over-leveled Zubat spamming Confuse Ray. But...

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Chained to Complexity: Python Dependency Management

Chained to Complexity: Python Dependency Management

Dependency management in software development is often akin to playing an elaborate game of Jenga where everyone involved is on their third IPA: every block you move introduces the risk of toppling the tower which is becoming more wobbly over time.  Complexity...

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Sunday Funday Learn to Code for Kids 8-12

Sunday Funday Learn to Code for Kids 8-12

One of the greatest gifts we can give the next generation is the ability to code. It’s the language of creation in our digital world, and teaching kids as young as eight to start thinking logically and solving problems with code sets them up for a lifetime of...

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Pallet Town: Rails Concerns

Pallet Town: Rails Concerns

As you dive deeper into Ruby on Rails, you might notice your models and controllers starting to bloat with methods and logic. This not only makes your code harder to read but also tougher to maintain. Enter Rails Concerns—a powerful tool to keep your code a little...

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Surfing the WSL Wave

Surfing the WSL Wave

With Summer coming to a close I decided to take another surf on the WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) wave and in short was not disappointed. Technically there are two flavors of WSL, WSL 1 and WSL 2. WSL 1 is a translation layer that takes Linux system calls and...

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Syncing Prod & Staging Data With Dokku

Syncing Prod & Staging Data With Dokku

If you're anything like me, you’ve probably faced the classic problem of everything working swimmingly on your test / staging environment, but the end users hitting some weird issue on production. This is often caused by your production data being (obviously) accurate...

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Hi! I’m Mike! I’m a software engineer who codes at The Mad Botter INC. You might know me from Coder Radio or The Mike Dominick Show.  Drop me a line if you’re interested in having some custom mobile or web development done.

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