Line of business software development is one of the least discussed and least sexy areas of software development. Ironically, it is by almost any metric the largest. There are more HR applications that are succussfully running inside their organizations than there are...
Going Mobile: Overcast
This is the second entry into Going Mobile, my series of reviews on mobile software. Frequent readers of this blog will notice that this series used to only focus on productivity software but is now expanding to the wider app ecosystem. I’m still taking a special...
Time to Go Mobile
If you read my 2014 Predictions, then you know that I don’t believe that we are going to see a lot of huge leaps in mobile hardware or OS technology in the next year. Software from third party developers however will be a different story. Indeed, it is my belief...
Going Mobile: Oyster
Reading is one of the few constant pleasures I’ve had my entire life. As a young boy, I used to accompany my mother to the local Barnes and Nobel once a week, not to purchase but to read books — my mother was kind enough to purchase me a book once every other month or...
Going Mobile: Byword
This is the first entry into Going Mobile my series of reviews on mobile productivity software – I am defining productivity software as any software I use to get work done. For this first entry we have Byword for iPad, a great markdown editor for iPad (and...
2014 Predictions
I hope that you have all had an awesome New Year's Eve! I've decided that I'll start off 2014 by making a fool of myself by trying to make some predictions for the tech industry for the new year. This is not a what you will see list, but nor is it a what you won't see...
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ETL: Load
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