Apple’s ARC (automatic reference counting) for Mac and iOS devices is intended to make Cocoa development easier. For the most part it does. However, in using it I have encountered a bit of a pitfall: by default the compiler does not optimize your code in debugging but...
AppCode VS XCode
I hate XCode but really want to love it. Most Cocoa developers have had more than a few bad experiences with XCode where it has crashed more than once in a day, magically, lost track of files, failed to warn you of naming conflicts in assets, or simply dead-locked...
GDrive Mac Performance Issues.
I am always looking for ways to minimize costs and maximize the effectiveness that I get out of my tools, so it should be no surprise that when Google’s GDrive was announced I jumped all over it. The reasons were clear: I was a heavy Dropbox user and Google offers...
Objective-C Singletons
A singleton is a way for developers to keep one and only one object of a class in existence for the entire lifecycle of an application; the nitpicky among you will note that there are portions of an app that might not have any instances of a singleton object, since it...
NSTask 100
I’ll get right to the point here. Reinventing the wheel is bad. Period. End of sentence. If you have a requirement that can be met by an acceptably licensed open-source software project and you are not using that project, then you are likely adding unneeded complexity...
Tutorial: Recording Media with QTKit for Mac OS X
Mac’s are very popular among creative professionals ranging from the user interface designer who designed your favorite iPhone app to the starving videographer who is just starting to break into the field via Youtube and Vimeo. Recently, I have taken the plunge into...
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