I am Happy to announce that Code Journal 1.4 has just been released on the Mac App Store. We took special care to respond to your feedback both in terms of performance and of course new features. I am particulary fond of the new less wordy way we are naming and...
2014 Predictions
I hope that you have all had an awesome New Year's Eve! I've decided that I'll start off 2014 by making a fool of myself by trying to make some predictions for the tech industry for the new year. This is not a what you will see list, but nor is it a what you won't see...
Code Journal 1.3.3 Released
I'm happy to share that Code Journal for Mac version 1.3.3 is now available on the Mac App Store. This build includes a few small tweaks including splitting off from the iOS Github tokens and now has a friendly message for users who have no incoming activity in the...
Errors of 2012
2012 has been an exciting year for me, as I released my first commercial OS X App under Fingertip Tech, INC this year. Overall, the experience has been great and I am really enjoying all the great user feedback and am happy to report that a lot of users truly enjoy...
The Best Feature…
I’ve been hard at work mapping out the future of Code Journal and took some time to go through user e-mails that requested new features; the idea was that I would simply implement the feature that the most users had e-mailed asking for. That feature was a resizable...
Pricing: We’re Doing It Wrong
Like many of you I am an independant software developer and have found some success leveraging the App Store. Many developers, myself included, have bought into the low price / high volume business model and we’ve had some mixed results.... I’ve been considering the...
More from Mike:
Sunday Funday Learn to Code for Kids 8-12
One of the...
Pallet Town: Rails Concerns
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ETL: Load
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Surfing the WSL Wave
With Summer coming...