Apple did it! They launched another amazing, category defining product! Of course, I am referring to the iPad Pro. Coder Radio listeners will know that I have a fabulous gold model that I'm enthralled with. I truly believe that the Pro has the potential to become the...
The King’s Mores
The recent tragedy in South Carolina has brought questions of the Confederate flag being used on government buildings and other placaes that it might be offensive. Personally, I agree with the critics that it was wildly inappropriate for the US flag to be flown at...
A Swift Softening
Listeners to last week’s Coder Radio know that during the live feed WWDC coverage, I was less than enthused with the announcement of Swift, Apple’s new programming language for iOS and OS X. My initial reaction was based on the somewhat unclear way they announced...
WWDC 2014 Predictions
Well, it is that time of year again – when the tech space goes crazy with Apple fever and starts to have dancing iTVs and iWatches in their heads. From the Apple developer perspective, this is (like the WWDC of 2012) being preceded by increasing frustrations from the...
Going Mobile: Byword
This is the first entry into Going Mobile my series of reviews on mobile productivity software – I am defining productivity software as any software I use to get work done. For this first entry we have Byword for iPad, a great markdown editor for iPad (and...
Pallet Town: Intro to AFHTTPClient Part 1
Welcome to Pallet Town! Pallet town is going to be an ongoing bi-weekly look at various development technologies and techniques from the perspective of someone new to that technology. For those who might know or (God forbid) are too young to get the reference, Pallet...
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Sunday Funday Learn to Code for Kids 8-12
One of the...
Pallet Town: Rails Concerns
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ETL: Load
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Surfing the WSL Wave
With Summer coming...