Welcome to Pallet Town! Pallet town is going to be an ongoing bi-weekly look at various development technologies and techniques from the perspective of someone new to that technology. For those who might know or (God forbid) are too young to get the reference, Pallet...
Pallet Town: Intro to the Repository Pattern MVC4
Welcome to Pallet Town! Pallet town is going to be an ongoing bi-weekly look at various development technologies and techniques from the perspective of someone new to that technology. For those who might know or (God forbid) are too young to get the reference, Pallet...
XNA is Dead, Long Live MonoGame
If you haven’t been following the indie game development scene, then you might not have heard that Microsoft has confirmed that XNA is dead. This comes as little surprise to me and many in the community, since Microsoft’s recent actions, such as not supporting XNA on...
Programming Pitfalls: WinRT MediaElement URL Scheme
I’ve been doing a good deal of C# WinRT development recently and for the most part it hasn’t been bad. This week, however, I found a pitfall that is not only so simple it’s silly but also managed to waste an hour or so of my time. WinRT has a class called MediaElement...
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Sunday Funday Learn to Code for Kids 8-12
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Pallet Town: Rails Concerns
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ETL: Load
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Surfing the WSL Wave
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