I am Happy to announce that Code Journal 1.4 has just been released on the Mac App Store. We took special care to respond to your feedback both in terms of performance and of course new features. I am particulary fond of the new less wordy way we are naming and...
Going Mobile: Byword
This is the first entry into Going Mobile my series of reviews on mobile productivity software – I am defining productivity software as any software I use to get work done. For this first entry we have Byword for iPad, a great markdown editor for iPad (and...
Time to Go Mobile
If you read my 2014 Predictions, then you know that I don’t believe that we are going to see a lot of huge leaps in mobile hardware or OS technology in the next year. Software from third party developers however will be a different story. Indeed, it is my belief...
Good Night CJ for iOS
Everything has its time and then it moves on. That's the story with Code Journal for iOS. It was a fun project but never really hit its stride when compared to the Mac version. To be fair, I had fun developing the app and, since it shared a lot of code from the...
Bundle Up!
I am excited to announce that Code Journal has joined the awesome Paddle Developer Bundle! For those of you who have never bought a Paddle bundle, they are pay what you want software bundles in the spirit of the Humble Bundle. Even if you already have Code Journal,...
Code Journal 1.3.5 Update
Code Journal 1.3.5 is now available on the Mac App Store. This update fixes some issues with pull requests being reported incorrectly and adds some OS X Mavericks power sipping goodness. We have plenty more coming in the way of Code Journal updates, so please do keep...
More from Mike:
ETL: Transform
In my previous...
Syncing Prod & Staging Data With Dokku
If you're anything...
ETL: Extract
As organizations...
Happy 20th Rails!
As many of you...