Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) have been a topic of keen interest and heated debate for years now and indeed a frequent topic of discussion on Coder Radio. Overall the development of technologies that enable richer apps to be developed as PWAs has continued at a brisk...
Hybrid Today, Progressive Web App Tomorrow
App (and I am using that term very loosely here) development has undergone a change. Most companies are eschewing high cost native development and for iOS and Android and going with hybrid solutions using tools like Xamarin or Ionic. This is a great way for...
A Farewell to ‘App Developers’
I have had the great privilege of really coming to age at just the right time to be able to get into the ground floor of the mobile app development wave starting in 2008. In fact, to my knowledge, I opened one of the first three purely mobile app development firms in...
Apple’s Big Brother Now
I'm sure we all remember the legendary Big Brother Super Bowl commercial in which Apple portrayed IBM as a Orwellian Big Brother figure to be smashed by its plucky Cupertino rival. Fast forward to 2024 and my how things have changed. The DOJ is reportedly looking into...
Why I’m Selling My MacBook Pro – Focus
In a word - "focus." There are a lot of cool technologies available to developers to today and the truth is that, I've been spending a lot of time chasing a lot of different albeit very interesting technologies and trying to figure out what makes sense for myself and...
Apps, Bots & Cloud Oh My!
Apps are the newest thing! Apps are dead, long live the cloud! The cloud is old hat, it’s all about bots and machine learning now! If you follow the tech press like I do, you might be led to think that we have come through some sort of supersonic period of...
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Pallet Town: Ruby Modules, Mixins & Flying Pikachu?
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Earth Day 25 Competition
At The Mad Botter...
Chained to Complexity: Python Dependency Management