There are some bugs that you fix and brag about to your friends afterward, then there are the ones that are just plain embarrassing. Unfortunately, I’m writing about one of the latter today rather than the former. You see this pitfall, though no more or less annoying...
Play Means War
Google IO fever is in full swing and, though there are a lot of interesting things coming out of this year’s IO, but there is only one real threat to Apple’s leading position in mobile Monetization. This is Play Games. Play Games functions a lot like Game Center with...
No, The Market is not Fine
There has been a lot of discussion recently in the iOS community regarding the so called "health" of the paid application market. My feelings on whether it is better to pay for the software you use to ensure that you are the developer's main customer are well...
Wither Webkit?
As you are probably aware Google has forked Webkit and will be calling their fork Blink. Google does not intend to re-merge with the main project at any point in the future and is signaling that they will be adding new features to their rendering engine. As a...
Errors of 2012
2012 has been an exciting year for me, as I released my first commercial OS X App under Fingertip Tech, INC this year. Overall, the experience has been great and I am really enjoying all the great user feedback and am happy to report that a lot of users truly enjoy...
Pricing: We’re Doing It Wrong
Like many of you I am an independant software developer and have found some success leveraging the App Store. Many developers, myself included, have bought into the low price / high volume business model and we’ve had some mixed results.... I’ve been considering the...
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Open Source’s Funding Fiasco
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Minitest: Small But Mighty
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Alice for Construction Automation
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How to Create a Private Ruby Gem
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