Now that we are just dabbing our toes into 2016, it’s given me some time and cause to look back at the year that was. A lot of things were happening in 2015 but they broadly break down into who was involved: Apple, Google, Microsoft, VC Startups. Today, we start with...
The King’s Mores
The recent tragedy in South Carolina has brought questions of the Confederate flag being used on government buildings and other placaes that it might be offensive. Personally, I agree with the critics that it was wildly inappropriate for the US flag to be flown at...
A Swift Softening
Listeners to last week’s Coder Radio know that during the live feed WWDC coverage, I was less than enthused with the announcement of Swift, Apple’s new programming language for iOS and OS X. My initial reaction was based on the somewhat unclear way they announced...
WWDC 2014 Predictions
Well, it is that time of year again – when the tech space goes crazy with Apple fever and starts to have dancing iTVs and iWatches in their heads. From the Apple developer perspective, this is (like the WWDC of 2012) being preceded by increasing frustrations from the...
2014 Predictions
I hope that you have all had an awesome New Year's Eve! I've decided that I'll start off 2014 by making a fool of myself by trying to make some predictions for the tech industry for the new year. This is not a what you will see list, but nor is it a what you won't see...
MDNetworking: My Little Networking Lib
Disclaimer: This is in no way a 1.0 codebase and I strongly recommend against you using this in production. Summary: MDNetworking is a small Apache 2.0 licensed Cocoa / Cocoa Touch library. It is intended to be suitable for use on iOS7+ and Mac OS X 10.8+ but it may...
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ETL: Extract
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Happy 20th Rails!
As many of you...
Intro to API Driven Automation
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Sunday Funday: Pygame For Kids
Hello, young...