Code Journal 1.3.3 Released

I'm happy to share that Code Journal for Mac version 1.3.3 is now available on the Mac App Store. This build includes a few small tweaks including splitting off from the iOS Github tokens and now has a friendly message for users who have no incoming activity in the...

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Taking the Firefox Challenge pt1

There was a point in my life when I was something of an aggressive advocate for open-source and free software. I am still a huge fan of them and do open-source as much code as I can and even contribute to some free software projects, but I've also gone back to a...

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My Win8 Dev Tools

Coder Radio listeners will know that I recently purchased a Dell XPS 8500 from my local Microsoft Store. Unlike a lot of Cocoa developer, I am not just buying a PC as a glorified Xbox; in fact, I have an Xbox and am very happy with it. This PC is, like my MacBook Air,...

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XNA is Dead, Long Live MonoGame

If you haven’t been following the indie game development scene, then you might not have heard that Microsoft has confirmed that XNA is dead. This comes as little surprise to me and many in the community, since Microsoft’s recent actions, such as not supporting XNA on...

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My Android Christmas Wish

Android developers will know that there are some serious issues of fragmentation on the platform. These issue have been well recorded and, at times, greatly exaggerated. The truth is that in the last year Google has taken great steps toward making the Android...

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Happy Thanksgiving 2012 Open-Source!

I had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year and, as is common this time of year, friends and family made the normal mentions of things, places, people, or any other sort of noun that they are thankful. Of course, I agree with the most common objects of gratitude:...

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Hi! I’m Mike! I’m a software engineer who codes at The Mad Botter INC. You might know me from Coder Radio or The Mike Dominick Show.  Drop me a line if you’re interested in having some custom mobile or web development done.

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